“The way Peter is able to evoke emotion with the eyes of his animal subjects is extremely unique. His ability to communicate deep and genuine feelings to his lookers on is heartfelt and amazing. His love of animals is the catalyst for him, his pure talent is the gift”
Marla Therrien | collector
"Purple Flower"
"Purple Flower For You"
"Appaloosa at The Gulf"
"Appaloosa Sunset"
"Making the Turn"
"Echo and His Buddies"
"Remuda, Road To The Horse"
"The Nudge"
"The Jump"
"Hale Bopp"
"Appaloosa Stroll"
"Horses in Night Pasture"
"Horses in Night Pasture" 2
"Blue Sway"
"Horse Energy, The Discussion"
"Appaloosa Freedom"
"Indian Ponies"
"Horses on the Crest of the Hill"
"General Leads His Group Through The Gulf"
"Three Horses Free"